One-Time Funding Provides Revenue Boost for Charter Schools

Included in the 2015-16 California state budget were two special, one-time apportionments for charter schools; the Educator Effectiveness Grant and Discretionary Grant. In the time since the passing of the budget in June, many questions have arisen pertaining to the implementation of the grants, the funding schedule, and any spending restrictions associated with each grant. Outlined below is an update on each of the grants that aims to answer many of the questions surrounding each of these special funds.


Educator Effectiveness Grant


  • Approximately $1,200 per FTE teacher will be allocated based on each charter school’s October 2014 CALPADS report. Therefore, new schools opening in 2015-16 are not eligible to receive grant funding.


  • Funds will be released in two allocations, 80% ($960) in December 2015 and the remaining 20% ($240) in March 2016. The funds must be spent over a three-year period, ending at the close of the 2017-18 fiscal year.


  • There is no form required to receive funding, but a funding report subject to audit review will be due by July 1st


  • The funds are restricted to be allocated towards teacher professional development in subjects including Math, English, and Science. Additionally, funds can be allocated towards BTSA and PAR training for teacher. The appropriate allocations must be outlined in the funding report due July 1st, 2018.

One-Time Discretionary Grant


  • Approximately $530 per ADA will be allocated based on each charter school’s 2014-15 P-2 attendance report. There is no distinction in funding across grade levels, however because the report is based on 2014-15 P-2 ADA new schools opening in 2015-16 are not eligible to receive funding.


  • Funds will be released in three allocations, 20% in December 2015 ($212), an additional 40% in January 2016 ($212) and the remaining 20% in March 2016 ($106). Funds must be spent over a three-year period ending at the close of the 2017-18 fiscal year.


  • There is no form required to receive funding and the funds are unrestricted without the requirement of an additional funding report.


  • Although the funds are unrestricted, many districts are allocating funds towards further professional development, technology materials and supplemental instruction materials.



We hope the information above helped to answer a few of the questions surrounding these special apportionments. As more information becomes available, specifically the expenditure report attached to the Educator Effectiveness Grant we will provide it accordingly.



– CreativeBackOffice